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Women's Care Clinic | Banquet For Life 2017

On Tuesday, May 9th, I had the privilege to photograph the Women's Care Clinic Banquet for Life! This is my second time volunteering at this event, and both times have been such a wonderful experience. This year marked TWENTY-FIVE years since the clinic first opened its doors. Known previously as "Help Ministries", they've served countless moms and families in need, including my own! I'm a proud graduate of their Bridges program, which I went through back in 2012 when pregnant with my (now almost 5 year-old!) daughter, Sophie. Before dinner, attendees were encouraged to sign a guest book and treated to an amazing display of memorabilia from years past in the foyer. So cool to see all the photos and news articles depicting help and growth thanks to all the generous donations that have been given. One of the most memorable parts of the evening for me was when keynote speaker, Roland Warren, shared a piece of his own personal story. He shared that his wife (then girlfriend) was strongly encouraged to abort their baby because it would be much too difficult to finish school with a child. Then he displayed an image on the screen of her, the only student in the crowd with a little one, breastfeeding that baby in her cap and gown! I wish I had taken a picture of the picture! I loved that so much. So many women have been blessed by this ministry! I'm so proud of the WCC and the hope they provide to our community. They have wonderful plans to expand and be even bigger and better in the coming years! If you feel led to donate and help your local families in need, here's a link where you can do so!



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