Guyyyyssss. I have had some kind of sinus thing for what feels like forever and it's really starting to get on my nerves! All my kids have had it, including the baby (insert completely broken heart here) but they all seem to be on the mend. It is just liiiingering for me. Today's awesome symptom? Migraine. I'm like, seriously? I have pretty things that I want to work on!! Fiiiinally I am feeling a bit better this evening. YAY blog post! Whine over. Moving on... THIS DAY was literally filled with sunshine and happiness (take me back)! Ryan and Bryce got married out at the Vermilion County Fairgrounds! Which was a first for me. I have been out there before, even pretty recently for a Birthday party. But MAN. I was blown away by the transformation of the building! First thing that caught my eye was this gorgeous mason jar chandelier that hung in the middle of the room, twinkle lights and stretches of fabric streaming from around it. The super cool backdrop for the ceremony and later head table made out of pallets, the hay bales, fresh flowers, ugh! I could go on, and it did! The deep purple tablecloths added such elegance to all the rustic charm, too. It was beautiful in there! Ryan and Bryce were a total blast to work with last year when we met for their engagement pictures. I had been so excited to get to work with them again on this day, and they did not disappoint. Ryan is such a great sport and Bryce made such a *stunning* bride! They have seriously been such a pleasure from our first hello, and I hope they'll be in front of my lens many more times in the future! I'm going to stop typing now and let you get to the photos, because let's be honest...they speak much better than I can! Enjoy!