We're quickly approaching on four weeks since the celebration of these two lovebirds getting hitched! Isn't that crazy?! In this season of life I feel like time is rushing past me like a whirlwind. Joe and Natalie could not have asked for a prettier April day! (Though, we wouldn't have said no to a cloud or two during portrait time!) But there was a beaming sunshine in the sky and in the hearts of all the people who had the privilege to witness this special union! I could pretty much gush for paragraphs about how much I loved e v e r y t h i n g about this day. Seriously, Natalie left no stone unturned when it came to details. And I *LOVE* details. I was telling everyone at the reception who would listen that this was the prettiest I had ever seen the Laury Barn at Kennekuk look before. There were vibrant colors. A beautiful house for getting ready. Good light. A country chapel. An amazing group of supportive friends and family. The sweetest bride and groom, who are so in love. A vintage car. Cozy touches. Donuts. Outdoor games. Coffee. S'mores. Legos. Heartwarming and hilarious speeches. Sunset photos in the woods. Etc! Etc! Etc! I don't know about you, but that is what I'd call an amazing wedding day! Congratulations, Joe & Natalie. It was such a joy spending your day with you!